So much to share in this one little post, so let's get right to it. Last Friday, when I should have been working at my "real" job, the Universe had other plans for me, so instead I was interpreting dreams and reading runes. It must've been one of those days when the messages really needed to be delivered. I want to share this because it is a great reminder that even (especially?) the difficult messages can bring comfort and peace. And just so we are clear, the messages don't come from me, they come through me. All I have to do is open up and let them flow. The Universe (or God or Spirit or a Higher Power, whatever word you are comfortable with) does the rest.
I posted this on Facebook:
And I received this reply:
I pulled these five runes for Kaela:
And here is her reading:
"Runes are read right to left:
#5 #4 #3 #2 #1
#1 - Overview of the situation
#2 - Your challenge
#3 - Next step(s)
#4 - Sacrifice
#5 - Outcome
#1 - Uruz is the overview of the situation. The rune of strength. It arrives as a confirmation that you have come into your own personal power. It also signifies new beginnings and with them some endings. Be prepared to recognize an opportunity disguised as a loss. A bond is being severed so that you can fully live your own life. Be ready to adapt yourself to this highly creative phase.
#2 - Jera is the rune of cycles and patience and ultimately harvest. It is your challenge. Be patient in your perseverance. All things come in time. There is a cycle to new life. First you plant, then the hidden work begins while the roots gain strength, and finally you begin to see sprouts that show you your work has not been in vain. Be careful not to try to rush the sprouts. Allow them to grow at their own pace or you risk damaging them. And finally the bounty of harvest arrives. Followed, of course, by another season of planting.
#3 - Hagalaz is known as the rune of Great Awakening. Your next steps will challenge you to your very foundation. You are ready to break free from the identification with the material world. This will bring with it some disruption, aka opportunities to look at things in a new way. This has happened in the past, but this time, your roots are so solid, it will barely shake your tree. You will easily see the blessings and the opportunities. You will feel the complete and total support of the Universe guiding your every step.
#4 - Teiwaz is the rune of the Spiritual Warrior. It is your sacrifice. The warrior always carries a sword with which to cut away the old and make a path to the new. Remember also to get out of your own way as well. With this rune, you must sacrifice the need to be in control and instead watch for and follow the signs as they point the way.
#5 - Raido is your outcome. Within Raido is also the symbol for the rune Wunjo, the rune of joy. This brings with it the perfect union of Heaven and Earth. You are cautioned to remain in the world but not of the world. The soul's journey cannot be shared. Heaven and Earth will come together to celebrate your journey and you will no longer be burdened by what you've left behind."
I struggle with delivering the messages that appear to contain a warning of sorts to be prepared for loss. While I know that the messages are not mine, I am just the messenger, it doesn't make it any easier to say, "Hey, I think your life is about to be turned upside down a bit." In spite of the reluctance, I delivered the message in its entirety.
Kaela responded, thanking me for the reading and letting me know that she would sit with it for awhile and exhale. A couple days later, on Sunday, she admitted that when she first received the reading, she had no idea what "loss" I might be referring to and she had felt some fear surrounding what it could be.
She had since discovered what the loss was and explained to me that her beloved yoga instructor, Aaron, had been in a coma and was going to be taken off of life support in the very near future. I told her how sorry I was for her loss and how I had struggled with my own fear of delivering the message. She said she was glad I didn't hold back because it brought grace to her grief.
I thanked the Universe for allowing me to deliver the messages that ultimately gave her some peace in a difficult situation. But the Universe wasn't done with me -- or Kaela -- yet. There was more to come.
On Monday, Kaela mentioned in a Facebook Live post that she had dreamed of her yoga instructor, Aaron, the night before, not long after he had been removed from life support and had made his transition. She doesn't often remember her dreams, so she knew this one was powerful enough for her to bring it forward into her waking life. She only remembered a few details, but they were enough to get the point across. In her dream, she was at a restaurant, sitting outside on the patio, when she noticed Aaron playing Frisbee with some children.
No dream is too short, or too meaningless, to interpret. If the details are important enough to remember upon waking, they are important enough to examine. This is how I interpreted her dream:
"That dream was his goodbye gift to you. A restaurant signifies choices in life. He's reminding you that you have unlimited choices, you just have to order what you want off the menu. And even better, you're not sitting inside a restaurant, you're outside on the patio, unencumbered by four walls and a ceiling, free to experience the joy of the sun on your face and the breeze through your hair. How lucky are you?! I found it funny when I looked up frisbee, because it described Aaron just like you described Aaron in your Facebook Live video -- laid back without a competitive spirit. That was your confirmation that you weren't dreaming about him. He was actually visiting you in your dream."
What a gift! In the matter of a few brief earthly moments, but relayed by way of the eternal Universe, Aaron reminded Kaela that what she admires most in him is also in her. And thanks to the two of them, I received the same message that I so desperately needed to hear.
No coincidences.
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