I believe that dreams have a deeper meaning -- a lesson for you to learn or a message to be received. Maybe you have been ignoring some things in your waking life that need attention. Maybe you are overthinking a situation. Dreams allow the messages to bypass your rational, thinking mind and get straight to the soul of the matter. Well... until you wake up that is, when those beautiful, divinely inspired messages must then pass through your real world filter system.
As you transition from the dream world back into your waking consciousness, this filter system (the ego) reaches out with a big, old fishing net and grabs the messages you received while you were dreaming. The fishing net has holes in it that allow the stream of consciousness you experienced in your dreams to slip through to your rational mind, but it captures the substance of the dream (the fish). The rational mind (the fisherman who really needs the fish) inspects the stream of consciousness, sees that it's just a bunch of useless water with some sticks and leaves and other things that make absolutely no sense and throws it back into the ocean (the Higher Consciousness).
That's where I come in. I analyze and interpret your dreams using many of the traditionally accepted symbols, along with a healthy dose of intuition. I go back in and find the substance, changing the essential elements of those dreams into a form that you can make sense of in your waking life.. You can call me a Dream Alchemist.
From Merriam-Webster:
Definition of alchemy
1 : a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life 2 : a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way … the practitioners of financial alchemy that transformed the world of money in the 1980's … — Gordon Williams 3 : an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting
"Alchemy and alchemist are in fact older words than chemistry and chemist in English. Alchemists believed that lead could be “perfected” into gold, that diseases could be cured, and that life could be prolonged through transmutation, or a change of some essential element into a superior form."My process for a full dream analysis and interpretation is unique. When someone shares a dream with me, instead of simply picking out individual symbols within the dream and offering the traditional meanings behind them, I analyze the dream as a whole allowing intuition to be my guide to the messages that need to be delivered. No detail is too small or insignificant. If it was important enough for you to remember and bring back with you into your waking life, it's important enough to include when you share the dream. Things like colors, quantities, and sizes are often the keys that unlock the entire dream.
I think it's probably easier and more interesting to give you an example. The dream interpretation below is shared with permission. Notice the disturbing images in the dream, and how differently the messages come through. Bad dreams are sometimes just a way to get, and hold, your attention.
The Dream
(Related word for word as I received it from the dreamer)
"Just woke from a weird dream. In my dream i awoke in the guest room.... A teddy bear had been shredded to pieces... By the dog (i guess) but no dog was present. My son was there though. I picked up my son and left the room which has a railing overlooking the downstairs living room. I looked over the rail and saw my son downstairs playing with his toys.... I looked in the face of the baby i was holding and though it looked like my son... It was scowling at me....and started gripping me tighter.... I started to panic and asked," Who are you?!? Who are you?!??? Who are you!!!????" And started slamming it against the wall to make it release its grip on me and the wall paint chipped and fell as i slammed it over and over and over.... Then i woke. Whats it mean?"
The Symbols
(Traditional meanings vary and often contradict themselves for each symbol. I use my intuition in conjunction with my thinking mind to find the common thread. Then I just follow it.)
Guest room - temporary situation, a particular aspect of yourself.Teddy bear - lost security, comfort (the fact that it was destroyed just highlights that further)Son - your ideals, hopes, potentialHolding - trying to controlRailing - in need of supportBalcony - feeling undecided, trying to get the big pictureLiving room - your beliefs about yourself, who you think you areBaby/toddler - new beginnings, acknowledging hidden potentialScowling - how you feel about the babyGripping - controlPaint - inner emotions, feelings you need to expressSlammed - anger, tendency to keep negative emotions inside
The Interpretation
(Now I re-write the dream substituting the interpretation of the symbols for the symbols themselves. This is when I let go and intuition takes over completely. I often have to read what has been written before sending it to the dreamer because I don't even know what I typed.)
You are totally stressed about retirement and all of the changes associated with that. In your mind, you are not just losing your security, it is literally being shredded. Seeing your son in your dream signifies your hopes and your potential for the future, which at first seem very normal, exactly as you expect things to be. You look over your current life and it feels very comforting, although you might be in need of some support as you start to look to the future. But then you look closer, and you realize that all of those hopes and dreams and that potential that you are holding on to, are actually quite terrifying and unfamiliar. And even worse, you are not in control of the future, it is in control of you. It literally has a death grip on you. So you start to try to fight against those new beginnings. But they won't let go, no matter how hard you slam them into the wall. By the way, that wall? Those are your emotions that are beginning to chip away because you are keeping them inside. You are trying to remain in control of the situation and remain calm. Something I'm sure you are very good at doing. But a little voice inside is telling you that, in this case, you need to let people in on how you're feeling. Talk to a friend. Talk to many friends. But you need to let that fear and uncertainty out. It won't necessarily make it better immediately, but it will lighten your load, so you don't crack under all the pressure.
The Conclusion
This person was getting ready to retire from a job he had done for more than 20 years. He knew he was stressed about it, but didn't realize to what extent because he had been ignoring it and shoving it away. After listening to the messages from this dream, he successfully found an outlet for his stress, and continued into the next phase of his life with a greater awareness of his emotions.So, there you go. Did you learn something from this? Do you like the idea of having me share more dreams and their interpretations from time to time (always anonymously and with permission, of course)? Let me know in the comments below or on Facebook, if that's how you found this blog.
If you're interested in a dream interpretation for yourself, please send me an email at FeelTheEnergy1111@gmail.com.
Dream on!
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